I Move to Lake Alfred

Well, if you're an alert reader, you may have noticed that my location has changed. I think this means we don't live in Lakeland anymore, now we live in Lake Alfred. This may not mean a whole lot to any of you, but it means a couple of things to me. Three things probably. Possibly four. OK, at least five.

1. We don't have the golf cart anymore so we don't get to go for golf cart rides. All my avid readers know how much we all loved our golf cart rides, but we don't live in a "park" like we did, so I guess we can't drive the golf cart on the streets here. So no more stories about dogs having heart attacks while chasing us. Bummer!!

2. We now have a fenced-in back yard. This is good news and bad news. It's good news if you really have to poo and you'd like some privacy to do it, cause Mom and Dad don't go out with us and Buttons is off doing her own thing, so you can go to a corner and poo in private if you want. The bad news is that once they throw your doggy butt out there, it may be hours before they remember to let you back into the house! Jeesh, sometimes I wonder if they have brains in their heads, ya know?

3. We eat off of paper plates now that our Mom tapes to the floor. Why, you ask? Well, there's this hard tile stuff in the kitchen where we chow down and our plates wouldn't stay put, so Mom's buddy suggested taping them to the floor. This is a good/bad thing too in that you get a nice clean plate every night and it doesn't move all over the place, but once we're done, Mom throws the plates in the trash (now there's an interesting subject) so we can't go back and lick on them later. I miss that too!

4. Buttons and I have our own bedroom here. Reasons this is a good thing: If Mom and/or Dad are snoring, we don't have to listen to it; if they start turning on lights in the middle of the night, we don't even know about it; if I'm having a really good dream and moaning and stuff, they don't yell at me to hush up. Reasons this is a bad thing: If there are spooky noises, we're all alone in there; if it storms, I'm afraid they won't hear me trying to claw my way out of my cage and come and save me; sometimes they make us sleep really late in the morning.

5. We have a new doggy friend next door. Well, actually I'm not sure if he's friend or foe. He comes out and barks at us and Button's flies around and barks back. They snarl and hiss and I try to stay out of the way but sometimes I admit, I do bark too. Of course, there's the fence between him and us, but it's still pretty invigorating.

So there you have it. Five things/differences/changes 'cause we moved. 


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