Buttons got a new harness today! I didn't get one and I'm glad because it looks pretty uncomfortable. It goes around her like a belt kind of and between her arms (I call them arms but I guess they could be front legs if you prefer to think of yourself as a dog, but that's a whole other tail, I mean tale).
Anyway, she's white and the harness is black. Dad wanted a red one but the store didn't have them in her size in red. They had green but Dad doesn't like green all that well I think.
So I have my old red collar and I'm quite happy with it. It's great for hooking the leash to so we can go out and poo. Mom and Dad also hook us to leashes that are hooked to the golf cart when we go riding so we don't go flying out and land on our heads. I did fall off the seat once but I stayed in the cart. Whew! I was looking at another pup walking on the street and wasn't paying attention to how close to the edge of the seat I was and whoops, down I went!
Excuse me................................
Well, Buttons had to go out so Mom took us. It was dark out there and the grass is starting to get wet but Mom made us go out and weewee anywee, um anyway. I hate having to go in the wet grass. I could stand at the edge and hoist my leg up and let fly out into the grass but I tend to tip over when I try doing stunts like that so I guess I'll just have to get my feet wet.
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