I Learn to Fly

We had some excitement yesterday. Mom was carrying me down the front steps so we could go for a ride in the van and she fell down, splat!!, on the wet driveway.

I flew through the air and tried to hide under the van while Mom said bad words and tried to get up. Dad finally came and put me in the van. I think they were afraid I would run off but I just wanted to hide!

Anyway, Mom clonked her head on the side of the van but I guess she's OK. She didn't bleed or anything and she still looks the same. She keeps rubbing her butt though and telling Dad it hurts.

Poor Mom. I tried to get her to go out the back door but she made me go out the front with her. If we'd gone out the back she would have seen the wet cement and wouldn't have fallen. Silly Mom!


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