I Visit Indiana

In case you've been wondering where I've been, I've been in Indiana visiting my people sisters and their families. We have our own little house up there, the "apartment" the people call it. Buttons and I stay there most of the time except when we get to go outside and run around. There are so many doggy smells in the yard, a pup could just go nuts.

Sometimes when we're in the apartment and no one is with us, we watch TV. I get bored with that though and then I like to have some fun. Once I got into a bag Mom left on the floor and tore some paper up and another time I tore up a box Dad had left on the floor. But the best thing is dumping the trash out and flinging old tissues all over the place. So much fun!!

We pooed on the floor a couple of times too. You know, you can only hold it so long and besides we get kind of upset when they don't come and pet us for awhile, so we just do it on the floor. We do go into the bathroom so what can they say? I just look cute after all this tissue tearing and pooing on the floor and then Mom doesn't get so mad about it.

We went to our other sister's house too and Buttons and I got to run around loose in her yard. There are lots of doggy smells there too. Sis has these HUGE dogs but she keeps them out of the way so they don't eat us. Yes, I said EAT US! They really could if they wanted to and I sort of think they do want to. Anyway, our people sis actually chased us around the yard. Her grass is nice too, short and thin-like so it doesn't tickle your tummy so much.

Mom took some pictures while we were in Indiana so I'll try to get her to add some on here. I hid under the bed when she tried to take mine. All those flashing lights bug me! But now we're back in Florida and they haven't mowed the grass so it's almost over my tail. We did get to go for a golf cart ride already though.

OK, back to  my nap. That long car ride to Florida really takes it out of a guy!


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